1Scholarship Eligibility Requirements and Guidelines.2Application Cover Letter3Application Form4Projects, Activities, and Essay L.I.F.E. Scholarship Application 2025 Scholarship Eligibility Requirements and Guidelines. Complete all parts of the application before submitting for consideration. Applications may only be submitted online. Scholarship Eligibility To be eligible to apply for the L.I.F.E. Scholarship, the applicant must: Be a current 4-H/F.F.A./Art/Ag Mechanics/Home Economics/ -student/member in good standing; Participated a minimum of 2 years as a L.I.F.E. Exhibitor Attend public school, private school, or be home-schooled in Webb County Be a graduating High School Junior or Senior Scholarship Guidelines Scholarship applications will be accepted, evaluated, and awarded based on the following guidelines: Completed scholarship applications are due March 31, 2025 on our laredofair.com website by 12:00 noon. THE SELECTION COMMITTEE IS NOT PART OF THE L.I.F.E. OFFICE, L.I.F.E. BOARD or L.I.F.E. MEMBERSHIP. The Scholarship selection Committee will review and evaluate applications based on the eligibility requirements and submission of a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed. A complete application includes: 1) Signed Cover Letter 2) Application Certification Form with all required information and signatures; and 3) Application Form. Must be uploaded in this order. Scholarship applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: a. Cover Letter 5 pts b. Academics15 pts c. Student Project Experiences - L.I.F.E. 4-H/F.F.A./Class 10 pts d. L.I.F.E. Volunteerism - L.I.F.E. 15 pt e. Student Leadership- L.I.F.E. 4-H/F.F.A./Club/ 15 pt f. Student Community Service - L.I.F.E. 4-H/F.F.A./Club/ 10 pt g. Student Honors/Awards- L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A/Club10 pt h. Student Activities- Other Non-4-H/F.F.A. Activities/Club/5 pt i. Essay15 pt 100 pts Evaluation of items above will be based on the Application Guidelines distributed with the application. Selected Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the L.I.F.E Scholarship Reception on May 5, 2025. Scholarship Award winners will be presented with their award at Scholarship night on May 5, 2025. Complete all parts of the application before submitting for consideration. Each section of the application will be evaluated using the descriptions below: Cover Letter (5 pts) UPLOAD SUPPORTING DOCUMENT Letter should be submitted on a separate sheet (no business letterhead). It should reflect your personal experiences, interest in pursuing higher education, and career interests. Describe how you have prepared yourself to understand the degree and career choices you have selected. Share anything that is not asked as part of the application. The letter should be no more than one page (front side only). Academics (15 pts) UPLOAD SUPPORTING DOCUMENT Provide a signed verification of the most recent GPA based on a 100-point scale. The document should be signed by a school official authorized to determine and report the student’s GPA. Include a copy of a current transcript. Student Project Experiences - L.I.F.E./4-H /F.F.A/Club/ (10 pts) Reflect the years involved, knowledge and skills gained, and the scope of your project. Explain why these projects were important and their impact on you. Emphasis should be on the quality of your experiences. Volunteerism - L.I.F.E. (15 pts) Reflect participation and involvement as a volunteer, including exhibiting projects and volunteering at L.I.F.E. events. Describe the extent of participation and level of volunteerism. Provide detailed descriptions of your volunteer work. Student Leadership - L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/ (15 pts) Reflect major leadership roles, including elected/appointed leadership and volunteer leadership. Emphasize why these activities are important and their impact on these activities and other people. Student Community Service - 4-H/F.F.A./Club/ (10 pts) Reflect community service activities, your level of involvement, and their impact on the activities and other people. Emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity. Student Honors/Awards - L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/ (10 pts) Emphasize the most important honors and awards received. Explain why these awards are significant and how they have helped your personal development. Student Activities Other—outside of L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/ (5 pts) Reflect your involvement in activities outside of L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A. Explain why these activities are important to you. Include school, community, or church groups. Essay (15 pts) Explain how your participation at the Laredo International Fair & Exposition has influenced your decision to pursue a college education. Submit an essay between 300 and 500 words. Download Application FormAgree for above terms and conditions(Required) I have read and acknowledge the above Application Guidelines. Application Cover LetterUpload Cover Letter (5 pts).(Required)Accepted file types: pdf, docx, doc, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.Letter should be submitted on a separate sheet (no business letterhead) and should reflect your personal experiences, your interest in pursuing higher education, and your career interests. You should also describe how you have prepared yourself to understand the degree and career choices you have selected. You may share anything that is not asked as part of the application. The letter should be no more than one page (front side only).You should also describe how you have prepared yourself to understand the degree and career choices you have selected. You may share anything that is not asked as part of the application.b. Academics 15pts Provide a signed verification of the most recent GPA based on 100 point scale. This should be signed by a school official that has authorization to determine and report student’s GPA.Please upload signed Application Certification Form(Required) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 3. Application FormName(Required) First Middle Last Address(Required) Street Address City ZIP Code Home PhoneCell Phone(Required)Email Address(Required) Current 4-H/F.F.A. member of Webb County?(Required) Yes No Which did you attend Public/private/homeschool in Webb County?(Required) Yes No Are you a graduating High School Junior or Senior(Required) Yes No Will you be attending Laredo College(Required) Yes No Will you be attending TAMIU?(Required) Yes No Currently in concurrent enrollment?(Required) Yes No Number of years in 4-H?Number of years in F.F.A?Number of years in Art/Home Economics/Ag Mechanics Class?GPA (weighted, 100 point scale) 4.0/5.0 scales must be converted to 100-point scale. Currently in AP classes?(Required) Yes No Currently in Dual enrollment Early Start Pathway(Required) Yes No Currently in Dual enrollment Early College?(Required) Yes No I certify that the information contained herein is correct and truthfully reflects my personal information, club, chapter, and academic background and school records. I agree that, if any information contained herein is found to have been falsified in any way, my application will automatically become null and void. I further agree to forfeit any award that I may be eligible for or have already received. I have read and will abide by the scholarship rules and guidelines.I certify that this applicant has been enrolled in the 4-H/F.F.A./Art/AG Mechanics, Home Economics program during the required time frame as indicated by the eligibility requirements, and I recommend the applicant and his/her application to be considered for a L.I.F.E. Scholarship. c. L.I.F.E./4-H /F.F.A/Club/Student Project Experiences (10 pts)This section should reflect the years involved, knowledge and skills gained, the scope of your project, why these projects were important, and what impact they have had on you. The emphasis should be on quality of your experiences.(Required) d. L.I.F.E Volunteerism This section should reflect participation and involvement as a volunteer. This includes exhibiting projects and volunteering at L.I.F.E. events. Describe the extent of participation, level of volunteerism, etc. Volunteer work should be described in detail.(Required) e. L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A. Club/Student Leadership (15 pts)This section should reflect major leadership roles to include elected/appointed leadership as well as volunteer leadership. Emphasis should be placed on why these activities are important and what impact your involvement had on these activities and other people.(Required) f. L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/Student Community Service (10 pts)L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/Student Community Service (10 pts) – This section should reflect community service activities, your level of involvement, and the impact that your involvement had on the activities and other people. Emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity. g. L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/Student Honors/Awards (10 pts)Emphasis should be on the most important honors and awards that have been received and why those awards are the most important. This section should also reflect how these awards have helped your personal development. h. Other Non-L.I.F.E./4-H/F.F.A./Club/Student (5 pts)This section should reflect your involvement in other activities outside of L.I.F.E/4-H/F.F.A. and why those activities are important to you. This might include other school, community, or church groups(Required) i. Essay: (15 pts)This section should reflect How has your participation at the Laredo International Fair & Exposition influenced your decision in pursuing a College education. Please write an essay of a minimum of 300 word and no more than 500 word essay explaining your response. Agree for Read & Review Application(Required) I have read and reviewed my application for accuracy and completeness. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.